Balenciaga Bloodline 

Balenciaga blood is a spin-off from bullseye blood that was created by selectively breeding the finest ace-line/west coast gotty line blood to the phenomenally worldwide known bullseye blood to produce a next level bully with that wow factor!

As a pup Balenciaga was a natural stacker that loved showing off his powerful appearance when prompted to do so, he presented a big blocky head with firm standing ears and a wide chest span!

Balenciaga was always so full of energy running the yard showing off his thick pocket body, strong shoulders boasting a muscular build and great confirmation all covered in a majestic merle coat!

Balenciaga's tri genes came from his father's sires SAN QUENTIN & GOOCH-LANDS-KGB-ALCATRAZ CP, his merle genes came from GULINO'S BULLIES PANAMA RED a cryptic merle and his exotic traits came from his mother's sire PR' E O G BULLSEYE, THE BULLY CAMP LINE DRAKE & MR MIAGA!